Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Whole30 Diet

Image result for whole 30Hi Foodies!

Lately, the Whole30 diet has been all the rage. If you have not heard of it already, the Whole30 is a diet where you don't eat sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, dairy, carrageenan, MSG, or sulfites for 30 days. These foods have been shown to have a negative impact on our health, and by removing them from our diets for 30 days, we can find out what we are really sensitive to. 

I have been trying out different Whole30 recipes and these are some that have been really delicious: 

Tomato Bacon Quiche 

Displaying FullSizeRender.jpgThis quiche is seriously one of the most scrumptious breakfasts I have ever had. Not only is it filling, but it has a ton of flavor and you do not at all feel deprived. 

One thing I have yet to find is Whole30 compliant bacon, as most bacon is cured with sugar. I have heard that Whole30 compliant bacon is available at Whole Foods. 

Recipe here.

Slow Cooker Chili 

I absolutely LOVE this chili. It cooks for 8 hours in a slow cooker, so the flavors really have time to meld together. The recipe actually calls for ground bison, but I use ground turkey and it is really tasty! 

Recipe here.

Collard-Wrapped Turkey Burgers 

This is a really simple, delicious recipe. I was actually satisfied after this meal, and didn't miss my hamburger bun at all! Instead of wrapping the patty in collard green leaves, I used butter lettuce. I cooked the butter lettuce like the recipe said to do for the collard greens, and the lettuce was a little too soft and soggy. Next time, I won't cook the lettuce, or at least not cook it for as long. Trader Joe's didn't have any turnips, so I couldn't make the fries. Instead, I made crispy brussels sprouts (recipe here). I think they would be really good with some bacon! 

Recipe here. 

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